With fierce but scattered skirmishes continuing in the streets of Saigon and heavy fighting in other South Vietnamese towns and cities, the Vietcong radio has announced that the Òlong awaited general offensiveÓ has now been launched, and has called for a final mighty push towards victory. But US commanders said early today that the Communist assault was losing its impetus. Throughout yesterday, American troops and tanks, supported by dive bombers, attacked Communist positions in Saigon street by street and building by building. An American military spokesman said the capital was now largely secure. Elsewhere, the Vietcong were in control of the northern town of Phu Loc and had a firm grip on parts of the old imperial capital of Hue. American military sources now say that over 10,000 North Vietnamese and Vietcong have been killed since Tuesday. Mr McNamara, the US Defence Secretary, said yesterday that Vietcong losses 10 times greater than those of the Americans proved that the American forces were adequate, and he saw no reason to increase their numbers.